How Business Strategies For Cost Reduction Align With Growth Strategies

According to Ballantree Consulting’s 7th Annual Growth Strategy, businesses report that one of their top priorities in 2013 was to reduce utility expenses.

This is a great way to affect the bottom line, but it also can support their business in another way by creating sustainability measures, which then leads to sustainability reporting. My suggestion to these companies is to take this goal a step further since reducing utility expenses will also make companies begin their sustainability practices and therefore impact the bottom line in a positive way.

Many look at sustainability efforts as impacting the triple bottom line, people planet and profit. In this example we are reducing utilities, energy and water and leading to cost savings impacting profit. In other examples on this blog we talk about the impact of people.

Now that you have begun impacting the bottom line, is there a way to use sustainability reporting to impact the top line? This is my favorite place to promote sustainability because I believe our customers want to see what we are doing regarding this topic.

As we see more and more Request For Proposals, RFP’s, containing questionnaires on sustainability practices, we begin to realize that this is not a passing trend. It is real and can be a business differentiator. Smart companies are looking at sustainability as a winning strategy to cut expenses and meet client needs.

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